
Does New York Recognize Defensive Driving Courses Taken Online?

Does New York Recognize Defensive Driving Courses Taken Online? Does New York Recognize Defensive Driving Courses Taken Online?

May 25, 2022

Auto Insurance

New York is serious about helping drivers remain safe on the roads. It not only recognizes both online and in-class defensive driving courses but also offers them to New York residents. Defensive driving courses are beneficial in several ways. Most importantly, it allows the driver to refresh their knowledge and remain current on new laws that may have been put in place since they received their driver's license. Taking a defensive driving course every two or three years (whether necessary or not) will keep a driver up to date. This article discusses the perks of an online defensive driving course.

Defensive Driving Reduces Points on Your License

If you take Defensive Driving Course-NY online, you can also apply to deduct up to four points from your driving record. According to the state's guidelines, you can take the online course one time every 18 months to have points removed from your driving record. Accumulating points on your driver's license can result from receiving a ticket or due to a DUI or other misdemeanor/felony offense.

Lowers Insurance Premiums

If you take the online defensive driving course offered by New York, you could expect approximately 10% decrease in your auto insurance premiums for three years. This will only apply if you are the primary on the policy and the principal operator of the vehicle that is being insured. Once you pass the online course and receive your certificate, you'll need to provide a copy to your insurance agent to be considered for the discount. If you take the course in the future, you will need to provide a new copy each time.

Refreshes Your Driving Skills

A good defensive driving course will refresh your driving skills and update you with new laws and general information. If you've been driving for several years, laws and statutes may have changed, especially regarding traffic citations and penalties. It's only natural that you may forget things over the years. Taking an online defensive driving course will allow you to regain some of that knowledge and make you a better driver.

Details About the Courses

It is best to check the course to confirm it is a NY DMV course before taking it. One criteria for a defensive driver's course to be considered for approval in NY, it must be at least six hours long. The course must also provide as up-to-date and accurate information as possible. Most online defensive driving courses can be taken in increments or chapters so that you don't have to take them all at once. Even though you can take a course at your leisure, you must complete it in 30 days or less.

How Do You Get the Benefits of Your Defensive Driving Course?

To receive the benefits of taking your online defensive driving course in New York, you will need to save and print off your certificate. Provide a copy of the certificate to your insurance agent. Please keep a copy for yourself and put it with your auto insurance policy.

Taking a defensive driving class online is both convenient and beneficial. Contact our insurance professionals at Scavone Insurance Agency Center to learn more about what you can do to earn discounts to reduce your auto insurance premiums. We can help you get the most out of every insurance dollar you spend. We also have a link to one of the NY DMV approved courses on our website www.scavoneins.com

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