
Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Fall Home Maintenance Tips Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Nov 14, 2016

Blog Archives

Fall Home Maintenance TipsBy preparing your home for the winter in fall, you'll be ready for winter's worst and turn away pricey repairs with these simple tasks.

When the heat of summer has become all but a faint memory, and you've pulled out your hoodies and put away your shorts, it's time you tackle the simple chores that will make winter less miserable and more comfortable. Additionally, by tending to this home maintenance checklist, you can prevent nasty surprises for winter. Here are a few fall home maintenance tips

  1. Don't Drip

Leaving hoses attached to your home can cause water to back up in the faucets and the plumbing inside the exterior walls. If the temperature falls below freezing, water may freeze, expand, and crack your faucets and pipes.

  1. Check Your Roof

Your roof needs to be in proper functioning order to prevent any leaking that snowmelt may bring at the end of winter. Any water that can get in your roof will linger and encourage the growth of mold and algae, which could be detrimental not only to your home, but your health as well if spores grow.

  1. Keep Your Fireplace Safe

With the frigid temperatures of winter, you may be tempted to use your fireplace to keep you and your family warm. Before you light firewood inside of your home, make sure that your fireplace chimney is clear of any debris that could block the rising smoke, and redirect it into your home. A professional chimney inspection is your best bet at making sure everything is clear and ready for winter fires.

When it comes to your home purchasing a quality homeowners insurance is the best way to protect it from dangers unseen to you. For all of your insurance coverage needs, contact the insurance experts at Scavone Insurance Agency Center LLC in White Plains, New York. We will work with you to makes sure you have the coverage you need to protect you from any perils. 

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